Access ALL our kits for ALL your teachers through this library of resources!
Less than NZ$5 per kit!
Take a copy onto your Google Drive, customise the templates, personalise worksheets, modify and share!
- Access to over 90 resources for one school.
- Access for ALL teachers in your school.
- Unlimited use of all resources in one school.
- You can use the resources with an unlimited number of students.
- Access to ALL new resources as they are launched for 12 months.
- They never expire and are yours to keep and take copies onto your Google Drive.
- One Access code for your whole school.
Each of our kits would normally cost between NZ$39 and NZ$149 to purchase and download. Now, you can get access to all these resources (nearly 100 kits, manuals and templates) for this one low price!
Purchasing all these kits would cost you over $4,500
You also get a Google Sheet with links to all the resources to copy onto your Google Drive to share with your school Staff!
You will have access to all the kits below from day 1. You will automatically gain access to ALL our new products as they are released for 12 months. Read them online, take copies to your Google Drive or download them any time over 12 months
- Quality Management System for Schools; Strategic Planning
- Building a Basic English Course
- Building a Basic Maths Course
- Bullying Elimination Kit
- Bystander to Upstander – Bullying Prevention Handbook for Teachers
- Classroom Management 2.0 – Building Relationships and Restorative Practices
- Dealing with Disruptive Behaviour
- Dynamic Learning Styles
- Effective Classroom Management
- Empowering Student’s Dreams – Vision Board and Journal-making
- Eradicating Racism
- Expanding Inclusive Education
- Freedom from Being Bullied (for students)
- Green Horizons
- Guide for New Teachers and Additional Resources
- Guide to Inclusion Support
- Handbook for Neuro-inclusive Teaching
- Health and Well-Being Education
- Inclusive Strategies
- Mastering Structured Learning
- Mental Health Kit: Supporting Student Wellbeing (Teachers Guide) and Stronger Minds (Student Guide).
- Neurodiversity in Core Subjects; Neurodiversity in the Classroom, Nurturing Diverse Learning Styles; Nurturing Neurodiversity (for ECE and Kindergartens)
- Pathways to Success (Alternative Education methods for “at-risk” students); Promoting Positive Behaviour
- School Farming Membership kit
- School Solutions – Problem-Solving Kit
- Stronger Minds: Mental Health Tips for Students in New Zealand
- Student Mentoring System (how to set it up and run it)
- Supporting Student Well-being: A Guide for New Zealand Teachers
- Teacher Mentoring System (how to set it up and run it)
- Teachers Manual (classroom management and more)
- Teaching Critical Thinking
- Transformative Teaching
- Truancy Reduction
- and more as added! … whatever we sell on here, you will get access to!
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