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In the about us section, you can read about where we came from, what we stand for and what we aim to do.

About Us


Supplying Schools since 2002.

Stuart Macmillan

Stuart Macmillan


Elizabeth Macmillan

Elizabeth Macmillan

Office Manager

Mission Statement

The purpose of School-Kits is to provide a wide range of guides and resources to assist with education.

Education can be defined as the giving or receiving of instruction. At School-Kits, we place value on the education of the whole person, not just the basics but pointers as to how each person can discover and learn by themselves.

School-Kits also provide tools to aid in life. Guidelines on how best to study, how to fit in and make sense of the world, develop a code of values to live by, make friends, create plans to reach goals and methods to train the individual on how to succeed at all they do.

Our school-wide-project guides also help schools reduce bullying and truancy, create a safer and better educational environment, fit in with their community and teach each child in the way they need to be taught. Together, we can make schools a place kids want to be and parents want to send their kids to, a place of engaged and fundamental learning.

Our Values

Parents are the first and foremost educators of their children and secondly their extended family. Schools are an extension of the home and the first part of the community that young people become a part of and receive guidance and instruction.

Schools have to address the needs of the modern child to ensure they are equipped to handle challenges put before them and tools to assist them along their path. School Kits provide extra resources for schools to help them accomplish this in depth.

Our advantage is we are not controlled by government policies and all of our material is family-friendly based and based on a traditional worldview.

None of our resources includes any sexuality, RSE, “gender identity”, DEI, CRT, Curriculum Values or climate alarmism education that governments and organisations promote. We address students as he/she, boy/girl, and male/female as they are born and only agree with using pronouns and names that match a person’s biological sex. We do not promote cancel culture as we promote gender, social and racial equality. We are all born equally human. We promote an education system and schools that only supply all the essential and basic tools to prepare students for work, character development and success. The values we promote are time-tested and universally accepted (honesty, personal responsibility, integrity, empathy, etc).

Your Advantage with us

All of our resources are provided in both PDF and Google Docs so you can copy, share, customise and reorganise all the material on your Google Drive or create lessons and projects on Google Classroom.

There are no additional fees or subscriptions for our resources and no limit on the number of teachers or students you can share the material with within one school, unlike other resource providers.

about us and our History

School-Kits was conceived in 2002 on seeing a need for our children to develop greater skills than just the academics and topics being taught at school. Back then we noticed an ever-decreasing spiral in the behaviour of youth and the fostering of personal values was lacking in education systems.

In our early years, we created and supplied schools with guides and resources on character education, bullying prevention, life skills and truancy reduction.

Over the years we expanded and produced more resources, lessons and books to help teachers and students. Today we cover an even greater spectrum of educational needs with a wide range of digital kits for education and learning. Our view is that we need less government-sponsored ideology being taught in schools and more flexibility to teach traditional subjects and the development of the mind.

Now we are a family of websites inter-related to serve education worldwide. Our sites include:

  • School Kits – (you are here now) providing our resources to help schools and teachers.
  • Interweb Apps – Providing schools, small businesses and clubs with website and app creation services plus a range of marketing and digital products.
  • Teaching Manuals – Coming soon, a wide range of manuals and books to help teachers and parents with the education of the students and children both in a school setting and at home.

All of these services are under the umbrella of Interweb Education, our New Zealand-based and registered business (NZBN: 9429050425686).