Apart from our very popular digital resources, we also have books you can buy on most of our topics.
So if you are looking for a “hard copy” of our manuals and guides, you can find them here and purchase them through Amazon.
Our Top Sellers:
Classroom Management 2.0
Your practical guide to creating a positive, well-managed classroom through relationship-building, restorative justice, and positive behaviour support.
Neurodiversity in the Classroom
In this manual, you will learn how to address the learning needs of neurodiverse children. This includes a guide on how best to teach kids who are diagnosed with conditions such as ADHD, autism spectrum disorder and dyslexia.
The ZT Bully Pack
Zero Tolerance To Bullying Guide. Set up your school policies and control bullying in your school with this best seller.

Neuroplasticity in Teaching
Strategies to engage students and enable greater student success and positive habits